Homemade Valentine Gifts:
Painted Coffee Mug
Homemade Valentine gifts are more special to receive because they come from the heart, and this painted coffee mug would make a wonderful gift. You could be very creative with this project by painting any design you can imagine. But if you like our design, we have provided the instructions so you can easily create this same design on your coffee mug.

Materials For Homemade Valentine Gifts:
Painted Coffee Mug
What You Will Need:
- White mug (usually can be found at a dollar store)
- Porcelain paints - We used red Porcelaine 150 by Pebeo
- Porcelain outliner tube paint – We used black and red Porcelaine 150 outliner tube
- Painter's tape or masking tape
- Paintbrush
- Scissors
- X-acto knife
Instructions For Homemade Valentine Gifts:
Painted Coffee Mug
Step 1:
Wash and dry the coffee mug.
Step 2:
To make our Valentine design, place a strip of painter's tape or masking tape around the coffee mug, 1/2" down from the rim. This strip of tape should be about 1" wide. Be sure to press the tape down well so that the paint is less likely to bleed under the edge of the tape.
Step 3:
Now place strips of tape along the top 1/2" section, going vertically to create the stripes. Cut the tape in strips to whatever width you would like the stripes to be. We made both our white and red stripes 1/4" wide. See photo A.
Step 4:
The bottom section is done with hearts that are cut out of the tape. If you have a heart paper punch, you could use it to make your heart stickers. You could try using masking tape, but we have found that it tends to get jammed up in the punch. Painter's tape tends to work a little better than masking tape for punches. But if that doesn't work very well for you, then try adhesive mailing labels, which seem to work well in the paper punch.
If you don't have a heart paper punch, then trace hearts onto your tape and cut them out with an X-acto knife or scissors. Then place the hearts randomly around the bottom section of your coffee mug. Remember to press them on firmly. See photo A.
Now tape around the bases of the handle, because the handle is to remain white.
Step 5:
Your coffee mug is now ready to be painted. It is probably better to do two lighter coats than to do one heavy coat. Let it dry to the touch between coats. See photo B.
Step 6:
After the paint has completely dried, carefully remove all tape.
Step 7:
If you happen to have places where the paint has bled under the tape, use your X-acto knife to carefully scrape away the extra paint. See photo C. Photo D shows how it should look once all the tape has been removed.
Step 8:
Finish decorating your coffee mug in stages so you are less apt to accidentally smudge an area that is still wet. Outline the hearts with the red outliner paint, and let dry to the touch. Add the black dots with the black outliner paint and let dry to the touch. Now sketch in pencil "LOVE" in the blank center strip so you will know where you want it to go. Other ideas would be to write your own personal love message around the coffee mug in that center strip. Or personalize the coffee mug by writing their name in the center strip.
Paint over your penciled-in letters with the black outliner paint.
The painting of your coffee mug is now finished! Let it dry completely, at least 24 hours.
Step 9:
After it is completely dry, bake your coffee mug according to the directions on the porcelain paint. This will set the paint.
Your coffee mug is now finished!
So if you need some homemade
boyfriend gift ideas
gift ideas for friends
ideas for your husband or children
even a favorite teacher or co-worker
Then this painted coffee mug would be the perfect gift for anyone on your list.

For more homemade Valentine gifts or ideas, click the link below to return to our Valentine Crafts page.
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cherry choudhary Says:
so nice...........
jumana Says:
this is reallllyy awesome..nice job.. keep it up!!
Bonnie Says:
awesome idea, thanks for sharing.
suneel jain Says:
good art
Sally B. Says:
very cute idea, I love it!!
marzia fatima Says:
very niceeeee